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Tradycje Świąt Wielkanocnych w Wielkiej Brytanii

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Nauczanie aspektów realioznawczych jest ważnym elementem w uczeniu języka obcego. Nadchodzące święta zobligowały mnie do przygotowania i przeprowadzenia lekcji na temat tradycji i zwyczajów obchodzenia Świąt Wielkanocnych w Wielkiej Brytanii. Jest to lekcja przygotowana dla klasy drugiej gimnazjum.

Nauczanie aspektów realioznawczych to nieodzowny element w procesie nauczania języka obcego. Znajomość tradycji i zwyczajów obchodzenia świąt danego kraju ułatwia komunikację z tzw. native speakerem.
Nadchodzące Święta Wielkanocne zobligowały mnie do przygotowania lekcji dotyczącej poznania tradycji ich obchodzenia w Wielkiej Brytanii. Pragnę zaproponować sposób na poszerzenie słownictwa z zakresu Wielkanoc w Wielkiej Brytanii. Lekcja będzie przeprowadzona 12.04.2006r. w Gimnazjum nr 2 im. Jana Pawła II w Kętrzynie.
Czas trwania lekcji – 45 minut.

Konspekt lekcji języka angielskiego Temat: Easter in Britain.
  • To build up an area of vocabulary associated with Easter.
  • To read for specific information. 
  • To develop reading strategies by selecting the new information in the right categories.
  • To develop learner’s fluency in speaking.
  • To teach pupils the song “Easter Bunnies”.

New vocabulary: vocabulary associated with Easter.
Structures: Present Simple, Past Simple.
  • Nauka słownictwa dotyczącego Świąt Wielkanocnych. 
  • Czytanie ze zrozumieniem. 
  • Rozwijanie płynności mówienia. 
  • Nauka piosenki „Easter Bunnies”
  • Poznanie zwyczajów i tradycji obchodzenia Świąt Wielkanocnych w Wielkiej Brytanii.

Metody: komunikacyjna, praca z tekstem.
Formy pracy: indywidualna, grupowa.
Środki dydaktyczne: tekst źródłowy – „Easter in Britain” z książki pt.: Around the Year, Schanz, B. Poznań: Lektor ; English Repetytorium Tematyczno-Leksykalne, Cieślak, M. Stages of the lesson

Warm-up: Brainstorm around the word. T. asks Ss to suggest all words they associate with Easter. Ss write each suggestion on the board with a line joining it to the original word, in a circle to get a sunray effect, to find out what the Ss know about the subject before presenting it in the classroom.

Presentation: T presents the key words connected to Easter time on the board.: Lent, Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday. Ss are divided into groups of two. They are to find out the explanation of one given word from the source text and write down in the Ss notebooks. “ Easter is preceded by forty days of Lent. Shrove Tuesday is the last day before the period of fasting which starts on Ash Wednesday. Traditionally, it is the time of enjoyment and eating pancakes, hence it is often called Pancake Day. Ash Wednesday is a very solemn day when ash is sprinkled on the heads of members of the congregation. The Sunday before Easter is called Palm Sunday. On this day small crosses made of palm are given to the worshippers. This is the beginning of Holy Week. A very interesting custom is maintained on Thursday , known as Maundy Thursday when the sovereign gives some elderly people presents of Maundy money (coins which are specially minted for that occasion). The number of coins equals the sovereign’s age in years and the presentation usually takes place in a cathedral city. Maundy Thursday is followed by Good Friday. It is celebrated as a bank holiday. People do not go to work on that day and eat the so called hot cross buns containing currants and marked with a cross (this symbol reminds one of the crucifixion of Christ). The central day of Easter is Easter Sunday, the Christian feast of the Resurrection of Jesus. On this day Christians follow the old tradition of eating Easter eggs. Many families gather together at dinner and organize egg hunts. Children have a lot of fun looking for dyed eggs hidden in the house or in the yard. Except for chocolate eggs, rabbits and chicks for children, presents are not given on Easter. People usually confine themselves to sending Easter cards to their friends and family. The day after Easter is known as Easter Monday. It is the last day of Easter celebration and it is regarded as the beginning of the summer tourist season”. T presents the lyrics of the song “ The Easter Bunnies” Ss read the lyrics of the song. Then, they listen to the recording and start to sing. “Down in the forest early in the morning See the little Easter bunnies all in the row. Eggs in their baskets brightly painted Ready, steady (clap – clap – clap) – off they go.” The rules of the game are given to Ss. They have to read them and learn to retell them as homework. Games: Eggs-shackling Play the game in pairs. Each player holds his/her egg firmly in one hand. The players then hit their eggs together. The aim is to break the other player’s egg, but keep your own intact. The winner keeps both eggs. Egg-rolling Play this game outdoors on a grassy slope. All the players roll their eggs down a hill to see which egg can go the furthest without breaking. It used to be said that an egg that reached the bottom without breaking would bring good luck!
Opracowała: Grażyna Koszczyc – nauczycielka języka angielskiego w Gimnazjum nr 2 im. Jana Pawła II w Kętrzynie.

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