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Test końcoworoczny z języka angielskiego dla uczniów klasy VI

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 Name :..............................
Class : ..............................


I. Find the odd word in each group :

1. Art German Science August
2. street church bank hotel
3. bath bed chair hair
4. butter driver nurse vet
5. swimming baseball skating sleeping
6. June November Thursday April
7. clock week month year
8. knee mouse finger shoulder
9. father teacher daughter niece
10. autumn even spring winter
(10 points )
II. Choose the best possibilities:
1. She can’t ………………French.
a. talk b. say c. speak d. tell
2. Paul is ………………a bike.
a. driving b. going c. travelling d. riding
3. I didn’t……………….my homework last week.
a. do b. read c. make d. answer
4. In some British schools students must……………… uniforms.
a. take b. carry c. wear d. put
5. They like ………………….old American comedies.
a. looking b. seeing c. watching d. observing
6. There is……………….in my pocket. It’s empty !
a. something b. anything c. everything d. nothing
7. I love summer! The sun……………… a lot and it’s usually hot !
a. blows b. shines c. lights d. pours
8. Can I have five eggs, a tin of Coke and a ……………….of bread, please ?
a. packet b. pair c. loaf d. some
9. I can’t go to the theatre with you today because I am very……………. .
a. healthy b. busy c. hungry d. interested
10. This is the house…………….. we wanted to buy many years ago.
a. who b. where c. which d. what
( 10 points )

I. Write correct prepositions into the sentences:

1. The children usually go to school………………..bus.
2. It’s half………………seven.
3. I get up very late………………Sundays.
4. I’m waiting……………….Lucy.
5. She doesn’t like listening……………….the radio.
6. They didn’t go……………….a walk yesterday.
7. I visited my grandparents ……………….. March.
8. There is a tall block of flats ……………….the cinema and the supermarket.
9. I can’t find the walkman in my bedroom. I have to look …………….it in the kitchen.
10. They always start the game ……………….10 o’clock.
( 10 points )

II.Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense forms:

1. He always ( have )……………….cornflakes for breakfast.
2. Listen ! She ( play )………………the guitar !
3. Last week I ( write )……………….a letter to my German cousin.
4. I ( read )…………………this newspaper every morning.
5. Where ( be )…………………you yesterday ?
6. It’s 9 o’clock. My brother ( talk )…………………on the phone.
7. Tomorrow we ( give ) …………………her a wonderful present.
8. When I was four years old , I ( can )…………………count to ten.
9. In the future I ( be )………………….a doctor.
10. Jeremy ( tidy ) ………………….his bedroom once a week.
( 10 points )

III. Choose the best possibilities:

1. Have they got ………………sisters ?
a. a b. any c. some
2. Is it ……………….. dog over there ?
a. our b. ours c. us
3. It is ……………… in the world !
a. hot b. hotter c. the hottest
4. You ………………….park in this street !
a. don’t b. mustn’t c. aren’t
5. How………………sugar do you want ?
a. many b. big c. much
6. You can’t take it. It isn’t …………………. !
a. you b. your c. yours
7. This is my …………………new tracksuit.
a. father b. father’s c. fathers’
8. She can’t dance very……………….
a. well b. good c. best
9. This tall woman ……………… in my street.
a. not b. don’t c. doesn’t
10. She is sad ……………….she lost her favourite CD.
a. so b. because c. but

( 10 points )


Match the phrases :

1. We got married yesterday ! a. Not bad, thanks !
2. Would you like some cake ? b. Sorry, I haven’t got a watch !
3. How are you ? c. Congratulations !
4. Do you mind if I sit down ? d. Oh, I’m very sorry!
5. What time is it ? e. He is very nice .
6. What’s your new teacher like ? f. Shall I open the window ?
7. I had a terrible accident last week ! g. Why don’t you see a doctor ?
8. What do you do ? h. No, not at all !
9. It’s very hot in here ! i. I’m a postman.
10. I have a terrible headache ! j. No, thank you !

( 10 points)

Klucz do testu:

Vocabulary :

I. 1. August
2. street
3. hair
4. butter
5. sleeping
6. Thursday
7. clock
8. mouse
9. teacher

II. 1. c
2. d
3. a
4. c
5. c
6. d
7. b
8. c
9. b
10. c

Grammar :

I. 1. by
2. past
3. on
4. for
5. to
6. for
7. in
8. between
9. for

II. 1. has
2. is playing
3. wrote
4. read
5. were
6. is talking
7. will give
8. could
9. am going to be

III. 1. b
2. a
3. c
4. b
5. c
6. c
7. b
8. a
9. c

Communication :

1. c
2. j
3. a
4. h
5. b
6. e
7. d
8. i
9. f
10. g

Maksymalna ilość punktów – 60

60pkt – ocena celująca
59pkt – 54pkt – ocena bardzo dobra
53pkt – 42pkt – ocena dobra
41pkt – 36pkt – ocena dostateczna
35pkt – 20pkt – ocena dopuszczająca
19pkt – 0pkt – ocena niedostateczna

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