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Guy Fawkes Night

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Praca powstała w celu nauczania o faktach historycznych.

Pracę opublikowałam, aby podzielić się wiedzą z innymi.

Scenariusz lekcji języka angielskiego

Nauczyciel: Grażyna Koszczyc
Szkoła: Gimnazjum nr 2 im. Jana Pawła II w Kętrzynie

Temat: The reason of celebrating Guy Fawkes’ Night.

• to teach some historical facts according to the tradition of Guy Fawkes’ Night.
• to practise the usage of past simple tense.
• to develop speaking – summarizing the story.

• regular and irregular verbs.
• past simple tense: affirmative, negative, interrogative.

Cel główny:
• czytanie w celu zrozumienia konkretnych informacji.
• tworzenie zdań twierdzących, przeczących i pytających w czasie przeszłym prostym.
• spójne wypowiadanie się na temat.

Cele operacyjne:
• uczeń poznaje fakty historyczne.
• uczeń zna poprawną formę zdań twierdzących, pytających i przeczących w czasie przeszłym.
• uczeń wypowiada się na temat.
• uczeń zna formy przeszłe czasowników nieregularnych.
• uczeń potrafi zapisać formy przeszłe czasowników regularnych nieregularnych.
• uczeń poprawnie formułuje zdania w czasie przeszłym prostym.
• uczeń streszcza przeczytany tekst.
• zachęcanie do poznawania faktów historycznych.
Metody: praca z tekstem.
Formy pracy: grupowa, indywidualna.
Środki dydaktyczne: magazine Team No 2 Nov/Dec 1999:
Schanz, B. 1992. Around the Year. Poznań: Lektor.
Stages of the lesson

Warm-up: T asks SS to write past forms next to the given verbs and divide them into regular and irregular groups.

light lit
be planned
become walked
celebrate started
cut wanted
find celebrated
have was / were
hide threw
know cut
plan might
start knew
throw became
want had
may hid
walk found
fight made
make fought

Then T starts a simple chain of events with the sentence: “Yesterday I was very tired so I went to the park”. The first student continues repeating the teacher’s sentence but adding a further clause including his / her verb.

SS: Yesterday I was very tired so I went to the park. I found a squirrel. etc.

Presentation: T gives SS the text Bonfire Night with the blanks.
T asks SS to read the text and write the past forms of the verbs in brackets.

On 5th November every year, British people set fireworks off in parks and gardens. They build big fires. Some people make the model of a man from old clothes and paper and put him on the top of the fire. Do you know why?
Well, it ………… (start) with this guy named Guy actually! Guy Fawkes ………. (be) a Catholic. Being a Catholic ………. (be) very dangerous because King James I and the English Church ……… (be) Protestant. They ………… (want) everyone in England to be Protestant. Life …….. (be) very hard for Catholics. They …….(have) to worship in secret. Guy ……… (fight) for the army of the Catholic Spanish king, Philip for seven years. He ………. (become) an expert at using gunpower. Back in England, some of Guy’s old school friends and neighbours …….. (be) planning to kill the king. They ……… (want) him to join them because he ……….. (know) a lot about gunpower.
They ………. (find) an empty room under the Houses of Parliament . On 4th November, 1605, everything ……… (be) ready. Guy …….. (be) waiting with the gunpower when the King’s Guard …….. (walk) in.
James ……… (not/be) popular with the British people, even the Catholics. To frighten people who ……. (may) want to kill the king, Guy Fawkes’ execution …….. (be) really horrible. After hanging him for a few moments, they …….. (cut) him down and …….. (cut) his body open. They ……. (throw) his stomach onto the fire before they ……. (cut) his head off and …….. (cut) him into quarters
On the night 5th November, the king’s supporters ………. (celebrate) the failure of the Gunpower Plot. They ……… (light) bonfires and ……… (make) a model of Guy Fawkes. Then they ………. (throw) the model onto the fire. That’s why the British behave so strangely on 5th November. All the other days of the year, there is no excuse!

Speaking: SS are divided into four groups.
Each group is asked to retell only the given part of the story .

Writing: (homework) SS are asked to choose the right word from the box and finish the sentences.

Guy Fawkes’ Night, fireworks, money, bonfires, guys, November, Bonfire Night, Penny for the guy!

In Britain …………………… 5th is called …………. / ……….. / …………. or …………... / ……………… . People have big ……… . They let off ………… . Children make ……….. out of old clothes stuffed with straw and newspapers. They stand in the streets with their guys and say: “…… / ……. / ……. / ……. /”
If they are lucky, people give them ……….. . Later they put the guys on the top of the big bonfires and burn them!

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