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Konkurs kulturoznawczy o Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Pn.

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Konkursy kulturoznawcze są organizowane w celu zachęcenia uczniów do poznawania wiedzy na temat krajów anglojęzycznych. Cieszą sie dużą popularnościach w szkole.


1. What is the longest river in Wales?
a) Severn
b) Rheidol
c) Conwy
d) Teifi

2. How is the British flag called ?
a) Stripes and stars
b) The Union Jack
c) The Union British
d) The Union John

3. The capital of Nothern Ireland is...
a) Edinburgh
b) Belfast
c) Dublin
d) Cardiff

4. The capital of Wales is...
a) Edinburgh
b) Belfast
c) Dublin
d) Cardiff

5. The capital of Scotland is...
a) Edinburgh
b) Belfast
c) Dublin
d) Cardiff

6. A red dragon is a symbol of which country ?
a) Wales
b) Ireland
c) England
d) Scotland

7. Which country sometimes is called Ulster ?
a) England
b) Ireland
c) Nothern Ireland
d) Wales

8. Who is the patron saint of England ?
a) Saint George
b) Saint Andrew
c) Saint Patrick
d) Saint David

9. Who is the patron saint of Wales ?
a) Saint George
b) Saint Andrew
c) Saint Patrick
d) Saint David

10. Who is the patron saint of Scotland ?
a) Saint George
b) Saint Andrew
c) Saint Patrick
d) Saint David

11. Who is the patron Saint of Ireland ?
a) Saint George
b) Saint Andrew
c) Saint Patrick
d) Saint David

12. The national flower of Wales is...
a) A red rose
b) A shamrock
c) A thistle
d) A daffodil

13. The national flower of England is...
a) A red rose
b) A shamrock
c) A thistle
d) A daffodil

14. The national flower of Scotland is...
a) A red rose
b) A shamrock
c) A thistle
d) A daffodil

15. The national flower of Ireland is...
a) A red rose
b) A shamrock
c) A thistle
d) A daffodil

16. The flag of England is...
a) White with a diagonal red cross
b) Blue with a diagonal white cross
c) White with a red cross
d) Red with a white cross

17. The flag of Scotland is...
a) White with a diagonal red cross
b) Navy blue with a diagonal white cross
c) White with a red cross
d) Red with a white cross

18. What is PE ?
a) Physics Education
b) Phyncian Education
c) Physical Education
d) Physique Education

19. The most famous British university is...
a) Yale
b) Cambridge
c) Columbia University
d) Harvard

20. The underground in London is known as...
a) Double decker
b) Train
c) Tram
d) Tube

21. The currency of Great Britain is...
a) Dollar
b) Pound sterling
c) Euro
d) Cent

22. In Stratford was born...
a) William Shakespeare
b) Lord George Gordon Byron
c) Conan Doyle
d) Bernard Shaw

23. Mayflower is a name of...
a) a musical
b) a flower
c) a ship
d) a pop group

24. Who was the mother of Queen Elizabeth I ?
a) Catherine of Aragon
b) Anne Boleyn
c) Anne of Cleves
d) Catherine Parr

25. At what age can you drive a car in Britain ?
a) 18
b) 17
c) 16
d) 15

26. What animal usually delivers Easter goodies ?
a) An elephant
b) Duck
c) Bunny
d) Pig

27. What kind of hunts are usually done at Easter ?
a) Egg hunts
b) Fox hunts
c) Duck hunts
d) Bunny hunts

28. What container is usually filled with goodies at Easter ?
a) Wheel barrels
b) Backets
c) Frying pans
c) Bowls

29. The full title of the British anthem is...


30. The highest mountain in Britan is situated in:
a. England
b. North Ireland
c. Wales
d. Scotland

31. The tallest building in London is:
a. Big Ben
b. Buckingham Palace
c. The Houses of Parliament
d. The Canary Wharf Tower

32. Halloween used to be called:
a. All Saints Day
b. Festival of the Dead
c. Holy Evening
d. Trick or Treat

33. Queen Elizabeth II become Queen of Britain in:
a. 1952
b. 1954
c. 1936
d. 1950

34. Queen Elizabeth II father was:
a. George VI
b. Henry VII
c. Prince Philip
d. Prince Albert

35. SOS means:
a. Stay on Sails
b. Save our Ship
c. Save our Souls
d. See our Ship

36. On Shrove Tuesday the British eat:
a. Roast turkey
b. Pencakes
c. Pudding
d. Pumpkin pie

37. Which of these is NOT Queen Elizabeth’s II child:
a. Prince Edward
b. Princess Ann
c. Princess Margaret
d. Prince Charles

38. The United Kingdom joined the European Union in:
a. 1981
b. 1983
c. 1973
d. 1995

39. London is the largest city in the UK. Which of the following is the second largest?
a. Manchester
b. Liverpool
c. Birmingham
d. Brighton

40. Which of these countries has road signs in two languages?
a. England
b. Scotland
c. Wales
d. North Ireland

Opracował :
mgr Krzysztof Kruczyński


1. a
2. b
3. b
4. d
5. a
6. a
7. c
8. a
9. d
10. b
11. c
12. d
13. a
14. c
15. b
16. c
17. b
18. c
19. b
20. d
21. b
22. a
23. c
24. b
25. b
26. c
27. a
28. God save the Queen
29. b
30. d
31. d
32. b
33. a
34. a
35. c
36. b
37. c
38. c
39. c
40. c

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