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Aktualna kategoria: Nauka » Język angielski » Testy po angielsku

Zestaw: "Egzamin maturalny z języka angielskiego Maj 2002"

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy tekst. W pierwszej częœci zadania, na podstawie informacji zawartych w tekœcie, zdecyduj, które zdania podane w tabeli s? prawdziwe (TRUE), które fałszywe (FALSE).

In 1848, gold was discovered in California. People came from all over North America.
They hoped to make their fortunes. Unfortunately, not many of the miners became very rich.
But a lot of people came to sell them the things that they needed.
One young man who was there to sell was called Oscar Levi Strauss. He had come
to America in 1847, with many immigrants from Europe. In 1850, he arrived in San Francisco
to work in a shop. One day, the door opened, and a miner came in. His clothes were terrible,
particularly his trousers! ?Look at these,? he said. ?I bought them six months ago and now
they are full of holes!? Levi Strauss asked why. The miner explained, ?We work on our knees
most of the time.? Levi Strauss thought for a moment. ?What you need is some really strong
material. Now we have some canvas. It?s used to make tents. If we make your trousers out of
canvas, I?m sure they won?t get holes!? Levi Strauss took the miner to a tailor who made
the trousers.
The miner came back to his camp in the mountains. His friends looked at his new
trousers and laughed. ?You won?t laugh when you see how strong they are!? said the miner.
He was right. The next time the miner?s friends went to San Francisco they went to Levi
Strauss?s shop to buy some of the new canvas trousers. They told their friends, and their
friends told their friends ... you can imagine the result.
So many people wanted to buy Levi Strauss?s canvas trousers that he had to start
a workshop to make them. They were called ?jeans?, because the canvas that they were made
from was known as ?toile de G?nes?. G?nes is the French for Genoa, in Italy, where
the canvas was produced.
Cowboys as well as miners began to ask for Levi?s jeans. He had to build factories.
The thousands of rolls of mater ial he received were not all the same colour. He decided to dye
them all blue; that is why they are called ?blue jeans? . When Oscar Levi Strauss, the poor
immigrant from Europe, died in 1902, he left 6 million, enormous donations to good causes,
and money for poor students at the University of California. Today, poor students still get
money from his fortune!

4.3. The other miners did not even notice the new trousers.

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