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Czerwony kapturek


Przedstawiam scenariusz przedstawienia pt. "Czerwony Kapturek", który mozna wykorzystać do nauki języka angielskiego w szkole podstawowej lub różnego rodzaju konkursach językowych. Przedstawienie w wykonaniu uczniów klas szóstych i oddziału przedszkolnego zaprezentowałam na akademii podsumowującej Dni Kultury Brytyjskiej.


Dramatis personae:
Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood: I am Little Red Riding Hood.
Chorus: Little Red Riding Hood?
Little Red Riding Hood: Yes, I am Little Red Riding Hood and this is my mother.
Chorus: Mother!
Mother: It is a basket. Go to your granny. She is ill.
Little Red Riding Hood: My granny is ill!
Mother: Now, off you go! Remember! Dont speak to strangers in the woods.
Little Red Riding Hood: Okay Mummy. Bye, bye.
Little Red Riding Hood meets flowers.
Little Red Riding Hood: Hello! Who are you?
Flowers: We are flowers.
Chorus: Flowers!
Little Red Riding Hood: Flowers? You are beautiful.
Flowers: We can dance.
Little Red Riding Hood: Please, show me your dance.
Flowers: O.K.
Flowers dance.

Little Red Riding Hood meets birds.
Little Red Riding Hood: Who are You?
Birds: We are birds.
Chorus: Birds!
Little Red Riding Hood: Birds? You are beautiful. Can you dance?
Birds: Yes we can.

Birds dance. Little Red Riding Hood meets a wolf.
Little Red Riding Hood: And who are you?
Wolf: I am a Wolf.
Little Red Riding Hood: A Wolf?!
Wolf: Where are you going?
Little Red Riding Hood: I am going to see my granny. She is sick in bed.
Wolf: O.K. Dont hurry. Pick some flowers for your granny. Goodbye.
Little Red Riding Hood: Goodbye wolf.

A Wolf goes to grannys house. He knocks.
Granny: Who is it?
Wolf: Hallo Granny. I am Little Red Riding Hood.
Granny: Oh! Come in.

A Wolf comes in and eats poor Granny.
He puts on her clothes and gets into her bed.
Wolf: Yummy, Yummy.

Little Red Riding Hood comes to grannys house.
Wolf: Who is it?
Little Red Riding Hood: Hallo Granny. Its me Little Red Riding Hood.
Chorus: No, no, no!
Wolf: Come in. Come in.
Little Red Riding Hood: Hallo. How are you?
Wolf: I am better.
Little Red Riding Hood: Granny why are your ears so big???
Wolf: To hear you, little one.
Little Red Riding Hood: Why are your eyes so big???
Wolf: To see you little one.
Little Red Riding Hood: Why are your arms so big???
Wolf: To hug you little one.
Little Red Riding Hood: Why are your teeth so big???
Wolf: To eat you little one.

A Wolf cats a girl. A woodcutter comes.
Chorus: A hunter is coming.
Woodcutter: I am a hunter. What is going on in this house?

A Woodcutter cuts a wolfs belly and out jump Granny and a girl.
Woodcutter: Hallo Granny, Hallo little girl.
Little Red Riding Hood: Hallo!
Woodcutter: All is well that ends well. A Wolf go away!!!
Chorus: Go away bad wolf.
Wolf: I am going
Everybody: Hurrah!!!!!!!!!!!!
A song: „If you are happy”

mgr Barbara Biegalska - nauczyciel języka angielskiego

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Data utworzenia: 2008-09-01 22:50:41
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