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International Business Communication

WYŻSZA SZKOŁA EUROPEJSKA im. ks. Józefa Tischnera - Studia Podyplomowe

ul. Westerplatte 11, 31- 033
tel.: 012 683 24 00; fax: 012 683 24 14

Platforma Edukacyjna - gotowe opracowania lekcji oraz testów.


International Business Communication

Skills, tools and methods for the professionals
of the 21st century global economy

Communicammus ergo sum

(the practice of the constructionists)

Ms Maria Moszyńska, substantive supervisor of International Business Communications, introduces the study programme.

Invitation (1,57MB)

Program description

The program integrates the practice and theory of management and communication in the international business environment. It focuses on the co-evolution of new organisation forms and management strategies in times of increasing tension in the global business dynamics.

The program is designed to increase the level of practical knowledge and enables students to become members of international business community and as such is run in English. It does not, however, aim, at being a linguistic course.

Program objectives
The program aims to train graduate students and equip them into professional tools essential to build their successful careers in the global marketplace. Students will be prepared for participation in international business contexts and provided the cutting-edge skills and cultural diversity understanding required to compete and advance in the workplace.

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Data utworzenia: 2008-09-01 20:33:17
Edycja: Edytuj prezentację.

HISTORIA PREZENTACJI ( - Prezentacja (2008-09-01 20:33:17) - Edytuj prezentację.

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