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Aktualna kategoria: Nauka » Język angielski » Testy po angielsku

Zestaw: "Egzamin maturalny z języka angielskiego Maj 2002"

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższe wypowiedzi siedmiu uczniów (A ? G). Następnie odpowiedz na pytania. WypowiedŸz jednej osoby podana została dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego pytania.

A There is a hole in the ozone layer. I don?t want it to get bigger, so I don?t use aerosol cans.

B I take old newspapers and magazines to school. A special van comes once a month to collect waste paper. This paper will be turned into new paper. I think it?s very important because our planet is dying.

C When my mother buys eggs, I tell her to buy them in cardboard, not plastic. We throw our empty bottles into special green waste bins. We use the orange one for metal, and the red one for plastic bottles.

D This world is very special, and we must help preserve it. My family and I try to save water. What?s more, we donate money to wildlife foundations and we have adopted an endangered chimpanzee. I think it?s important for children to learn about ecology, because we are the future.

E I try to do as many things as possible to protect the environment. For example, I don?t have baths very often; showers are much more economical. I turn off the water when I soap myself. I also try to remember not to leave the light on when I leave my room. In the street, I don?t drop litter. If you do such things systematically, it is really useful.

F If we don?t want to end under a pile of rubbish, I think we must react quickly. It?s not difficult to take a bag with you when you go on a picnic, or when you go for a long walk, so as not to leave litter behind you.

G My parents have a small farm in the countryside. I spend my holidays there and I help them with their work. We try to keep the farm clean. We do not use chemical fertilisers in order to get healthy plants and crops and so as not to pollute the water.
5.4. cares about the food we eat?

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