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Test psychologiczny


Chcę zaproponować test który może być pomocny uczniom w ocenianiu siebie jako rozmówcy oraz wprowadzić korektę lub zmienić swoje nawyki w razie takiej potrzeby.

Podobne testy można zastosować na lekcjach języka angielskiego przy diagnozowaniu cech osobowości, zachowania się w różnych sytuacjach, a oprócz tego dla utrwalenia słownictwa i gramatyki.Are you a good conversationist?

1. I can only talk to people who I consider pleasant.
2. I can keep up a conversation only when its them is interesting to me.
3. I’d rather speak to someone else then listen.
4. I don’t care whether I am listened to.
5. I like to argue.
6. I don’t care what my listener thinks of me.
7. I keep on insisting on my view even I am wrong.
8. It’s not important to me whether the theme of the conversation is interesting to my listener or not.
9. I can never imagine myself in my listener’s place.
10. If the conversation is not interesting to me , I can interrupt my partner.
11. I can easily break into conversation.

Answers “yes”- 0 points
Answers “no” - 1 points

Check up your score:

“11 -8” - You are a very good conversationalist, you always respect your listener, and
people enjoy talking to you.
“7 - 5” - You listen to people only when the topic is interesting to you. Try to find
out other people’s interests, and you might make more friends.

“Less than 5” - You prefer to talk yourself rather than listen to other people. Keep in mind
that if you are a good listener you can make friends easier.

Opracowała Wanda Lickiewicz

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Data utworzenia: 2008-09-01 22:22:05
Edycja: Edytuj prezentację.

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