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Scenariusz zajęć języka angielskiego - poziom początkujący


Przedstawiam szczegółowy scenariusz zajęć języka angielskiego dla grupy początkującej. Jest on jednym z wielu jakie napisałam w czasie studiów podyplomowych: "Wczesnoszkole nauczanie języka angielskiego".Mozna go wykorzystać zarówno w pracy bez podręcznika, jak i uzupełniająco do dowolnego kursu na poziomie startera. Scenariusz napisany jest całkowicie w języku angielskim.

Scenariusz zajęć języka angielskiego – poziom początkujący
Opracowanie: Ewa Jaworska SP-9 Konin
Lesson Plan
Topic: My robot. Shapes and colours.
         to identify triangles, circles and squares;
         to identify the colours black and brown;
         to identify the size big and small;
         to review the colours red, yellow, blue, green;
         to understand commands;
         to answer questions with What;
         to count objects;
                 crayons, big and small objects ( books, boxes, chairs),       cut-out shapes ( big and small) in different colours, worksheets.

I. Warm - up

1.      I use TPR to introduce or review action words, such as, “Touch your hair”, “Shake your leg” and “Wiggle your nose”.
2.    To review big and small, I show the students big and small objects, such as big and small books, boxes, chairs. I say, “Chair. Big chair, small chair.” I mime big and small with my hands.          I encourage the students to do the same.
II. Presentation:
1.      I use black crayons and brown crayons or black and brown objects to introduce black and brown. I ask students to repeat each colour after I say it. Next, I review other colours: red, yellow, blue and green.
2.    I introduce triangle by showing several cut – out triangles and saying: “Triangle”. I ask the students to repeat the word. Then   I draw a square and a triangle on the board. I point to the sides     of the square as I say, “Square. One, two, three, four.” I repeat for the triangle. I ask students to trace in the air a square and        a triangle, followed by a big triangle and a small triangle.
3.    I teach the students this finger rhyme.
           Things my finger can do...
           I can make a big circle! ( I use thumbs and index fingers        to make a big circle.)

           I am a square! ( I use index and middle fingers to make        a square.)
           I am a triangle! ( with three fingers)
           I can touch my hair! ( I touch hair with both hands)
III. Practice
1.      I show big and small shapes of circles, squares and triangles     to the students. For each I ask “What is this?” I help them     to say, “This is a big square.”
2.    I give each student a coloured cut – out shape: red, yellow, blue, green, black, brown. I ask the students to group themselves    by colour. Then, I say, “Blue, stand up”. I repeat this command for the other colours, using different action words.
3.    I distribute the worksheet and ask pupils to look at the picture of the robot. I ask pupils to find and count the circles, eliciting the number five. Then, I ask them to find and count               the triangles (four) and the squares (three). Next, I ask         the pupils to colour the circles red, the triangles brown and   the squares black.
IV. Howework
       I ask the students to create their own baby shapes robot, using shapes and colours of their choice.

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Data utworzenia: 2008-09-01 22:05:29
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